5 whyS - gemba gembutsu

Gemba is Japanese for the place where the problem has happened. Gembutsu is Japanese for the actual information.

Consequently, gemba gembutsu is actual information obtained at the scene of the problem. Therefore gemba gembutsu kaizen would be improvement established as a consequence of information from the problem scene.

5 Why's
  1. A process of asking Why? at least five times
  2. Method of establishing whether cause is symptom, lower level cause or Root Cause
  3. Questioning technique to provide further information

Much more practical details regarding Gemba Gembutsu and 5 Why's  is provided in Vorley & Tickles book Quality Management (Tools & Techniques).
Free copy of the book Quality Management by Geoff Vorley & Fred Tickle provided for each course delegate.

Business Benefits
To enable delegates to:

  1. Know the theory of Gemba Gembutsu
  2. Know how to complete a Gemba Gembutsu exercise
  3. Understand the 5 whys
  4. Be able to apply the 5 whys
  5. Train others in the Gemba Gembutsu and 5 why's methodology
  6. Provides the opportunity to make real major financial saving through QM&T's pre and post course supported assignment scheme.
  7. Be QM&T validated and certificated 5 Why Gemba Gembutsu practitioner.

Who Should Attend?
Quality, Engineers, Software, Food & Drug, etc. professionals who wish apply the ZQC model and methodology to error prevention and problem solving together with obtaining a clear knowledge of ZQC associated techniques.

Course Structure

The 5 Why's -Gemba Gembutsu  course is broken down into:

  1. Phase I: Principles behind Gemba Gembutsu and 5 Why's  
  2. Phase II: Theory
  3. Phase III: Application
  4. Phase IV: Case Studies

Together with presenting practice examples of Gemba Gembutsu and 5 Why's  


  1. Practical Case Studies associated with Gemba Gembutsu and 5 Why's
  2. Exercise associated with re-enforcing the morning's Gemba Gembutsu and 5 Why's  theory

Course dates and cost


